Come hell or high water....

.....the following must be done within the next few weeks:

Finish writing textbook about the Danish landscape and how it was formed (check it out on . A project from the past initiated long before I got familiar with the strenous path through academia, and even longer before I realized just HOW hard it is to write a book)

Resubmit manuscript from hell (I am getting quite close to the stage where I'd rather jump from a tall building than have another look at this thing). DISCLAIMER: not intending to do anything like that. Not even if I will have to re-submit again. But I may well want to throw the manuscript into a bonfire or some such.

Prepare 45 minutes lecture for PhD defense

Prepare for nasty questions that might come up during PhD defense

House and feed my entire family when they arrive to witness the oldest daughter excel in front of the defense committee.

Prepare food for an unknown amount of people for "compulsory" fancy pants reception after defense and buy drinks for same event with nonexisting money.

Sell apartment (aka meet with strangers who openly express their dislike for the colour on your walls, the homemade cable arrangements, the lack of functioning door knobs and everything else that makes your home just that).

Track down moving company who actually answers their phone and/or calls back when you leave a message. The moving business is clearly not competitive enough. Anyone looking for a business idea?

Sell stove (clearly interferes with house and feed entire family....)

Pack everything else (likewise)

and fly off! (preferably before I am supposed to show my face at new job institution every day from December 1st)

Needless to say I am overwhelmed! Time will show how it goes. For now my coping strategy will be: 1) shut off internet to hide list, 2) hide self under the sheets accompanied by chick-lit novel with poorly disguised ending and 3) forget everything about this until tomorrow morning, when I have to get up and meet with guy from strangely accessible moving company, who will fill me in on the total dimension (in cubic metres) of my furniture and other belongings. Exactly the kind of thing I never realized I would love to spend a Thursday morning getting to know.


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