Not sure, but the last days were definitely more than enough...

Board meeting in ph.d-nettet (national PhD association)

Went to the board meeting for the national PhD association from friday-saturday. These meetings are always good fun and very inspiring. It´s a fantastic group of people, all interested in improving the working conditions for young researchers now and in the future. It feels so productive actually to do something about those work related issues we all spend so much time talking about anyway. We had a lot of fruitfull discussions, created work groups and decided some of the goals we are working towards for the following six months. Got so enthusiastic about the whole thing, that I signed up for one of the group leader posts (which I will most likely regret, when it once again occurs to me, that I basically have enough to do already). On the other hand, some things are just important, and I couldn´t let this one go.

Arctic expedition talk (which took much more time to prepare than most serious talks, due to perfectionists very high expectations to photo quality...)

Had to spend most of the night between sunday and monday awake preparing a talk about my job as an expedition cruise guide in the Arctic last summer. I started working on the talk last week, but more serious stuff (like Thesis writing) got in the way, so there I was again finshing up some very important thing in the middle of the night. Apparently years of experience in the last-minute-panic-attack night-owling-business finally paid off. The talk was a success - they even had to carry in extra chairs....

Fieldwork grant proposal

Completely exhausted after a tightly packed schedule and lack of sleep the last days, but couldn´t drag it any longer today. Had to get up after another half-sleepless night for a grant-proposal-writing get-together with two friends and colleagues/ fellow PhD students. Armed with coffee en masse we spent all morning writing a proposal for joined field work this summer. Definitely hope we will get the money. It´s a side-project, not directly related to what any of us are doing in our PhD projects, but something we have been thinking about for a long time now. Would be fun actually to do the work.

In another kind of paradise I would love to sleep, rest and do nothing for at least a week now, but in thesis world more work is coming up all the time. It´s about time to get back on track with the writing and read trough at least part of the paper piles, which are lying around everywhere.


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