Ambitious times

I´ve been working like crazy for the past couple of days. I have absolutely no idea at all where all this energy suddenly came from, but I´m pretty sure that it won´t last forever. Spent the whole day yesterday working from home for the first time in ages, and what a difference the change of location made. Just the idea of being in my own livingroom listening to music and watching the snow fall outside and not having to go anywhere - except to the kitchen on a regular basis to pick up supplies.... (chocolate rolls, coffee.....etc.). Didn´t really matter that I had to work. the scenario was anyway much more tempting than a bike ride on icy roads to small and dusty office where endless piles of papers and data are waiting to be dealt with. Got so inspired by the how-fantastic-relaxing-to-work-from-home mood, that I got into an ambitious planning thing. I´m writing up a manuscript which I have hated for months, since I thought it made no sense and the field data were too few, too insignificant and basically plain boring. Not true, not true, seems to work fine now, and I´ve got into the writing. This should make me quite happy, but no, no. Decided to finish the first draft including solving remaining scientific questions in two weeks..... Tight schedule, especially since I´m also attending a weekend meeting, giving a talk and welcoming boyfriend back from Antarctica within the next two weeks. Hoping for the energy high to last.

Spent today working trying to meet this deadline. Turned out that my one of my cowriters will come and visit in two weeeks anyway, so probably a well chosen deadline after all. Had to visit a book shop on the way home to buy a present. Walked 10 steps into the shop, stumbled across "the windup bird chronicle", read the first page in the shop, wanted to continue, so...had to buy the book. Now a must read before I go to bed. So much for doing nothing but serious research in order to finish ph.d anytime soon.


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